Remember how I shared yesterday the top 5 best things that happened to me in 2014? Well, I intentionally left one off the list. "Top 6" doesn't really have the same ring to it.
All of that aside, a huge, major, totally awesome thing happened at nearly the last moment of 2014.
But first, let me back up and tell you how all of this started...
Remember that show I did for Loops & Belles at the end of November? Deluxe. That's the one. Well, the weekend was going better than I ever could have hoped for, and then it got even better.
Morgan, a small business owner in OKC, approached my booth and asked me if I was currently selling my cards anywhere in the City.
Me: "No. This is actually my first show. I just started my business about 2 months ago. I'd love to be in stores! I just haven't gotten there yet."
The next moment will be burned in my brain forever.
Morgan: "Well, I own Green Bambino and I love your cards. I would really like to have them in my store. They're funny and witty and a little bit snarky."
::eyes widen, breath quickens, heart rate skyrockets:: I die.
Somehow I was able to pull myself together and carry on an intelligent conversation that ended with, "Great! I'll send you an email next week to set up a meeting."
But you guys... do you want to know what was really going on in my head?
"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. No way. Oh my gosh." ::throws confetti, blows party horns, pops champagne::
(Just being real with you guys!)
Well, you might have guessed what that "6th Best Thing That Happened to Me in 2014" is... Loops & Belles is officially stocked in a retail store in Oklahoma City!
I mean, I think I've been giddy & squealing & giggling every day since I knew it'd be official.
December 16, 2014 - The day I booked Green Bambino as the first retail store to carry Loops & Belles. (SQUEAL!!!)

December 30, 2014 - The day that I delivered the cards to the store and it all became real! It's also the day that Green Bambino had their first sale of Loops & Belles. (Double Squeal!!)

Y'all, I've never done one of those "jump in the air" photos, but landing my first retail store definitely called for being a little bit brave in the middle of a crowded parking lot.

There are so many things that have been wonderful about working with Morgan -- her business advice, her enthusiasm, her guidance, her love of small businesses, etc. But my favorite part has been designing a few cards specifically with her store in mind. I can't wait to share the new designs with you all! (You had your first sneak peek in the photo above from our meeting.)
In fact, here is one of my new favorites...

Can I tell you guys something else? I took this photo right before I walked in the store to deliver the cards and it was SO cold outside and I was nervous... so needless to say, my hands were shaking for like 8 different reasons. Yet, the photo turned out pretty great, and I hope I never forget what that moment felt like.
Joy. It was pure joy.
xoxo, E
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