Friday, May 16, 2014

Secrets Secrets...

If there was ever a child who embodied the complete opposite of a Peter Pan Complex, it was this girl. I always wanted to be older, to be a teacher, to be on Broadway, to be able to drive, to have my own home, and to be independent -- while still knowing that mom and dad would always be there if I needed them.

I wanted to grow up.

I have definitely been accused (in a kind way) of being too serious or even wound a little too tight. I'm a future-thinker and a planner.

Now to be fair, I think this is less true of me now than it was 2 years ago, but I'm not sure anyone would describe me as laid-back or free-spirited.

Last week, I went to the Myriad Gardens to see their new Secret Garden exhibit in the Children's Garden. My primary intent was to get some good photos for downtown social media promotion. However, I found myself getting wrapped up in the magic and beauty of this little world they created.

I'm not sure if we ever read The Secret Garden (mom - you'll have to help me on this one), but I remember watching the movie.

Fast-forward to 26 year old Elizabeth: I was absolutely entranced, and I felt like a little girl again as I explored the exhibit.

Luckily, there weren't too many kids there since it was the middle of the day on a Friday, otherwise I would've felt a little bad about being a grown-up doing the scavenger hunt. I wanted to experience every bit of it!

Even though I've never wanted to go back to being a kid - aside from the summer breaks and unlimited "sick" days from school - it was pretty awesome to leave the "grown-up" at the door and just play for a few minutes.

It also didn't hurt that it was a gorgeous day in OKC to use your imagination!

I mean, come on... so good right?

Oh, and I can't leave out the awesome "Thunder Garden." Each pillar is the height of one of our beloved Thunder players. It was so fun to play the guessing game! 

Also, these new lights are going to be SO gorgeous for summer evenings...

If you have kiddos, and haven't been to The Secret Garden yet, I highly recommend it! The exhibit closes on Sunday.

xoxo, E

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