It was really fun to explore Ballpark Village and do a little shopping, of course. There were giant TV screens, plenty of restaurants, famous baseball player statues, stellar views, the dugout bar, plus outdoor seating and games... it was just awesome!
I'm not a beer girl, but I sure did think about it when I saw these beer towers. So cute!!
(Yes, I'm sure every manly man orders them because they're "cute.")

Once we got into the stadium, I couldn't believe how great the view was from our seats... not only of the ball field, but of the skyline as well!
Even though I love baseball, I can admit that the games can get a bit boring. However, this game was so exhilarating, and it was especially fun to cheer for my friend Hailee's cousin. Go Matt, go!

The Cardinals won and there was even a home run during the game!! The energy in the ballpark was electric. I definitely look forward to going back to another Cardinals game.
I called my dad on Father's Day as I walked around downtown St. Louis in the early hours...
"So how was the game?!"
"It was great! We won!"
"We? Who's we?"
"The Cardinals, Dad!!"
"I didn't realize you were a Cards fan!"
"I love this city now - of course I'm a fan!"
Thanks for spending the week with me as I've relived my quick trip to St. Louis. Now it's time to pick the next city to explore for my 26 while 26 list.
Happy Friday and have a great weekend!
xoxo, E
Elizabeth -- would you mind if I used one or two of your photos from Ballpark Village in a city document that I'm producing? I can give you credit. Thanks, Sasha Vrtunski, Asheville, NC