Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday's Ramblings

I feel like I am finally back in the swing of things following the holidays.

8 days in North Carolina (plus one more unforeseen vacation day due to major flight delays, which led to delirium, which led to this one-woman kick-line video), 1 day in the office, 1 day off for the New Year, 2 days in the office (all this with Momma in town for 6 days), then a week to try and tie up loose ends from the holiday season - well, if you could function normally after all that, I applaud you!

This week I'm putting myself back in a routine and it's paying off! I'm checking things off the to-do list right and left for our spring events (which are going to be super fun!) + running/going to Barre3 classes.

1. City. Ballet.
I owe Em a wiggle hug, and probably a coffee, as a thank you for introducing me to City. Ballet. Each episode is only 6 minutes long and documents what it's like to go through the ranks at New York City Ballet. This series appealed to my love of dance, made me want to see a NYC Ballet performance next time Momma and I go to New York, was narrated by Sarah Jessica Parker (who I love!) and features the younger brother of one of my friends from high school. It was such a surprise to see him - and man, he got some great face time in a few of the episodes! I remember when he first went to NYC to pursue his dream. It's so crazy awesome to see his success!!

2. Christmas Gifts
I have to admit, I was pretty darn spoiled over Christmas. My parents did an awesome job with the gift giving this year. I didn't ask for anything in particular, but I am obsessed with all of my gifts! My two favorites were definitely my new Burberry bag and my green agate & diamond ring.


We gave Nanny her 80th birthday gift (a year early) - pictured on left. And then Nanny pulled out all the stops for a surprise that brought me to tears. She gave me her pearl and diamond ring - pictured on right. My Nanny is so important to me and a blast to be around. She is so funny, caring, loving and easy to talk to. Having this ring is so special to me!

3. Lettered Letters
So far so good on the Lettered Letters front -- even if I did send out all of December's letters on December 31st. Eek! Nothing like waiting until the last minute. It has been really fun for me to see my friend's reactions to receiving the letters. Here's to not waiting until the last day of the month for January's mailing!

4. Sweet Thank You Notes
I seriously have the best job on the planet -- one of the best parts is getting to work with awesome community partners. Another is getting to work with groups who go above and beyond in appreciating something "tiny" that we did for them. Case in point, I received a large stack of hand written thank you notes from a group of kids who got to run in one of our races at a discount. My favorite one said that I'm a "politeful" person.


5. My Brother's New Pup
My brother texted over Christmas to say that they were adding a new member to the family - meet Dooley. I'm in love. I just want to snuggle his chunky little body! My brother sent this picture and I immediately checked the cost of flights to LA.

Happy hump day you guys! I can't believe we're already half-way through January. Oh! But that means I'm half-way through my month of no sweets!! It actually hasn't been as bad as I thought it'd be. Only 16 days away from another 25 while 25 goal being completed.

xoxo, E

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