Sunday, September 2, 2012

Weekend Update

Well, football season is officially underway! And the Cowboys started it off right by beating Savannah State 84-0. At a point, you start feeling bad for the other team - but I did hear on the radio that by the 3rd quarter, OSU had played 79 of its players. Which that's good for those guys that aren't first... or second... string!

The starting quarterback is a freshman, so I think this game was important to ease him into the pressure of playing for one of the best teams in the nation. He completed all 11 of his passes!

Anyway, onto the fun part - pictures from the day!!

I went over to M's condo before we left for Stillwater to help him get all of Bella's things together for her evening at the grandparent's house. This face kills me. It's a rough life for Miss Bella!

She definitely perked up for the car ride though! Miss B was front and center to guide us on our way!

I love a good hair accessory!!!

They know how to get decked out for the game!!

We're Here!!!!!

Posing for our usual pre-game pic!

Let's #GoPokes!!

I love college football! Have a great weekend!
xoxo, E

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