With it being May in Oklahoma, weather is always a concerning factor - especially for a Carolina girl who gets crazy nervous whenever "severe weather" is mentioned. Luckily, I'm a "plan ahead" Carolina girl and had my car packed and ready to go before the thunderstorms rolled in the evening before our load-in day!

My mom flew in from North Carolina to help me with the show, and you guys, I couldn't have done it without her. Being so close to my product, it's hard for me to be able to stand back and be objective - and while I'm usually a pretty decent problem solver, when it comes to my own solution creation, I'm at a loss.
Can I just tell you how awesome it is to be able to stand in my booth - or in the middle of Michael's (you'll read about that in a minute) - and say, "Moooooom, I just don't knooooow what to doooooo! What do you think?!"
And then... the ever calm Millie knocks it out of the park and comes to the rescue!

[Sidnote: Please notice that she is serving as a helper in my booth, playing Fairway on her iPad, and texting my dad about one of her students who had just won the state championship game in baseball. She's not just their tutor, she's an integral player in these kids' lives. #ProudDaughter #Multitasker]
The two shows that I've done each had a "crisis situation" for Momma to solve.
1. Deluxe Winter Market: the mailbox garland that almost got scrapped, because, well, I couldn't get it to look exactly how I wanted. Enter Millie with her patient persistence - and boom, it was perfect.
2. Indie Trunk Show: the three prints that almost didn't make their debut. I was in a pickle with how to display the prints so they'd be readable and fit on the display rack that I was using. Long story short, three of the prints almost didn't make the cut because I couldn't figure out how to elevate the row 2 inches. After an hour spent walking the aisles in Michael's to brainstorm a solution, Millie had it all figured out. Thank goodness for wooden slats and white Duck Tape. (It really does fix anything!)

This was my first time doing a 10x10 booth - my booth at Deluxe Winter Market was half the size - and I'm really happy with how it turned out! Naturally, as I was sitting there, I had about 5 ideas pop into my head of how I want to change things up for next time. But that's one of the best parts of doing these shows and growing this business, it's a constant opportunity to think creatively!

This show was also particularly fun because I got to see my friend Tara and meet the lovely Natalie from Freckles Creative Studio, as well.
The next Loops & Belles show will be on June 6th in Bricktown at Rock the Boat. Put on that sunscreen and come out and see me!
xoxo, E
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