Sunday, May 27, 2012

My Soul Feels Whole

To say that there's no place like home feels like an understatement right now. My soul feels completely whole and I have joy overflowing.

Lately, I've been pondering my "next big move." For so much of my life, things seemed to be planned out, and I just had to make the "small" choices.

My parents picked where I would go to school K - 12, I made the grades and picked my activities. I knew I'd go to college, but I had to decide which school. I wasn't happy with my major, so I changed it. And then came graduation.

My first "big kid" job was offered to me by my boss from when I was a student employee at the University. It was a term contract and I knew I would be needing a new job in 4 months. By this time, I was 6 months into a relationship that I didn't want to take long distance. So, I concentrated my job search in the OKC area. God opened the door and I was offered my next big kid job 4 days before the University job ended.

After a few months of working in the advertising world, I knew that this wasn't what God was calling me to do. I wanted to find work that ignited a fire within me - work that I loved - work that challenged me creatively. It's been a long road, but I think I might have stumbled upon it.

With any big discovery, comes other big changes. I got lost somewhere along the line and I'm starting to find my way again. Choices that I will be making in the next few years will determine the course of my life. Some of the choices will be painful and some with provide peace. But I think I'm finally ready to start living the life I was born to live!

In a time when a lot of my friends are getting married and "settling down," I feel the pull to travel and learn and try new things. I have the rest of my life to planted and dependable - right now, I want to go on an adventure and have a beautiful story to tell.

Do I sound totally crazy? I don't feel it! I just hope I'm able to hold on to this feeling as I prepare for the next big adventure. In order to fly, first I need to kneel. Lord, use me as a servant in this world, and show me how to best use the talents you've bestowed upon me.

And because every post needs a little eye candy - enjoy the dressing room from yesterday's Lily outing - I'd say it goes along with this post quite well! "Always wear your imaginary crown."

xoxo, E

1 comment:

  1. You have such a beautiful heart, my dear! I am glad that things are starting to come around and that you're liking your new job at Myriad Gardens.
