Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Final Days of 26w26

Well, my birthday has come and gone... which means the end of the window to complete my 26 while 26 list.

Unlike last year's list, this one did not have a happy ending. Basically, I just didn't get it all done. And rather than be disappointed in myself - ok, I'm like 7% disappointed - I'm sitting here reflecting over all that I did accomplish in my 26th year of life!

But before I walk down memory lane, here are a few of the final updates to the list...

#2 Read an entire book in one weekend.
Over Easter, I read Lara Casey's "Make it Happen." You guys, it was a game-changer. I love her writing style and the way she is a cheerleader for the reader throughout the whole book. It is always so interesting to me to read about the struggles and successes of others and see that God really does work all things out for good - big and small. Anyway, if you haven't read "Make it Happen," I highly suggest you pick it up!

#9 Finally do a "Places I've Traveled" map.
This one didn't quite pan out the way I intended, but I'm in love with the result. I'd planned on getting a large world map for this project, but I had so many other prints that I wanted to use on the wall of my bedroom that I decided to go with this smaller U.S. map. The pins are obviously just of my domestic travels, but my mom actually found a world map that'll be perfect for this project. So, one day soon there will be an update to include my international travels as well!

And now, for the goals I didn't complete...

- Spend Time in Five New Cities. I did three. (This might be the one that bums me out the hardest.)
- Try 26 New Tastes. I did twenty, so not too bad!
- Go Bowling
- Go Kayaking
- Go to a Hockey Game
- Take a Cooking Class
- Unplug for 48 Hours (No one is surprised this one failed to happen. Man, I love Instagram!)

Here's the thing. When I made this list, I had zero idea that I'd finally take the leap to start my own business. 

So, I'm going to blame those 7 "failed" list items on the success-to-date of Loops & Belles. 

Now, the short list above is still on my list of weekend adventure ideas, but the pressure is off. That's right, there won't be a 27 while 27 list. 

However, there is quite a list of dreams and ways that I hope to see Loops & Belles grow over the next year. Speaking of which, we've expanded our social life beyond just Instagram, so if you're on Facebook and Twitter, give Loops & Belles a like and a follow

Starting this brand has been such a wonderful experience thus far, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how it continues to grow and evolve.

You can bet I'll be going back through Lara Casey's book with a notepad to plan out how to stop striving for perfection and live on purpose! 


I just went back to read my post from the start of 2015. If you remember, I dubbed my word for the year to be "intention." I have truly seen a big change in myself over the last 4 months, and I'm excited to see what God has in-store for me. 

This is still my goal for 2015: I want to be intentional in my faith, intentional in my business, intentional in my relationships, and intentional in how I love, how I care for, and how I serve others. 

I'll leave you with this -- with my own personal mission statement for the year -- plus it's a teaser for a new product line for Loops & Belles. I can't wait to share more with you soon!!

xoxo, E

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