There's a brand new conference coming to Oklahoma City's Plaza District this weekend - and to say that I'm giddy feels like an understatement. Not only is my best friend one of the speakers, but there are so many other Okie digital influencers speaking on Saturday! I can't wait to soak up all that they plan to share! The sessions that I'm most excited about are included below.
If you live in the Oklahoma City area and are interested in learning more about the conference, check out the lineup here!
2. As if Saturday wasn't going to be exciting enough with the conference, there's a party that night that serves as a fundraiser for the project of a dear friend.

3. We spent some time exploring Pumpkinville at the Myriad Gardens a couple weeks ago. Basically, we acted like a couple big kids. Fall is such a gorgeous time of year - the weather, the colors and you can't forget all the yummy pumpkin food!
Exhibit A: Big kid on spinny-thing made for little kids. Not shown, big kids fighting major nausea after they spun around 4 or 5 times. In our defense, the video doesn't adequately show how fast we were spinning. (I also love it that B says "super faster" - she was fighting nausea already at that point)
4. B and I were asked to serve as judges for the trick-or-treat booths at a local energy company today, and let me just say, it was really hard to pick a winner. The "Despicable Me" booth sure did make a play for 1st in my opinion though! I am such a sucker for the minions... and check out these adorable cupcakes they had for us all to take home!
5. Momma sent me the link to this video a couple weeks ago, and I've been wildly obsessed with it ever since. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! What an awesome - and fun - way to remember to be brave!
It's going to be a crazy, wild, busy weekend. But I'm so excited for it!! See you on Monday! xoxo, E
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