2. Try 15 new Keep it Local retailers/restaurants
After a brunch meeting for work last week, our office decided we'd venture out in Bricktown for an all-office lunch. Tapwerks was recently added as a Keep it Local vendor - and the deal is too good to pass up. Not only do they have a new menu, but with your Keep it Local card, you get 50% off food!
3. Try 15 new recipes
So, this is my first recipe since April - man I need to get moving! This weekend I made Momma's chili - AND I got to use my new Le Creuset pot. Turns out it's pretty fun to cook at home -- and maybe it's fun to have real food in my fridge. Typically it looks like a bachelor fridge - sans beer.
4. Pick 4 different organizations to volunteer with throughout the year
I volunteered during the KOSU pledge drive this past weekend. My friends worked so hard to put this drive together, and I know they're glad today is the last day so they can finally get some rest! I'm so glad the new studios are open in the Film Row District - KOSU is a great addition to our downtown!

Clearly, the preparation for the season of holiday events is already getting to me. Wake up Newton, it's not December 27th just yet - but it'll be here before I know it!
I wore my Spy t-shirt while volunteering, and the guy answering phones next to me commented about how excited he was when The Spy was added to the KOSU programming. Pretty cool stuff!
8. Get a massage
Okay, so I was a little timid when I was gifted an "Indian Head Massage." I wasn't sure exactly what it'd entail. But I'm telling you right now, run - do not walk - to Revel Eight Salon in Midtown. Get this massage. You won't be sorry. It's easily the best I've ever had! I'm addicted.
14. Give up sweets for a month
Well, if I'd actually stuck with my plan to give up sweets in October, I'd almost be done... but that didn't happen. In fact, I think I only lasted 2 days. Oh well, I have 5 more months to try again!
25. Write a letter to myself that I open at age 30
I laid in bed for quite a while Sunday night and couldn't fall asleep - I started drafting this letter in my head. Then Monday night I did the same thing but actually started making some notes in my phone. (side note: what would we do without technology?!) I am so glad this is #25 on my list - but if I'm being honest, I think I'm a little nervous about putting my thoughts down on paper.
October 19th was the halfway point of my 25th year. How does time fly so fast?! Here's to setting goals and achieving them... no matter how small or insignificant. I'm determined to make every moment in life significant! (yeah, yeah, yeah idealistic girl)
xoxo, E
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