2. I have been casually shopping for fabric to re-cover my dining room chairs. Well, I stumbled upon Caitlin Wilson on Instagram this week. I'm such a sucker for a gorgeous website. Well, let's talk about how flawless her homepage is... and it only gets better!

Then, I noticed the tab at the top that read "Fabrics." ::click:: Be still my beating heart... fabric by the yard!!! I am head over heels in love with a few of the prints - and I think that one of them might be absolutely perfect for my dining room.

3. We had our 6 Degrees of Bacon event last night. It's definitely a favorite of the events that we produce, but what's there not to love about 12 of the best restaurants in town coming out to prepare a variety of bacon infused/inspired dishes?! Not to mention the fun that I had with the pig costumes around the office leading up to the event...

4. B and I worked really hard to get the reception site set up perfectly for Vicky's wedding last weekend. But don't worry, we had plenty of fun at the reception as well -- as evidenced by this video that Sis captured of me doing the Cupid Shuffle. You can't take the dancer out of the girl!!
5. It's been a tough week - just really draining mentally and physically. Whenever weeks like this hit, I tend to get really introspective. Add in the drizzly & cold weather we've had this week, and you have the perfect recipe for what I've dubbed my "Eeyore complex." Even though nothing is really wrong, I walk around with that feeling of a rain cloud over my head. Luckily, I found a photo a couple weeks ago that has the ability to make me laugh, even when I'm feeling a little "Eeyore."
Admit it... you giggled!
Here's to a weekend that is full, but will also give me a few moments to rest and recoup... and hopefully start practicing my calligraphy! xoxo, E
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