Thursday, February 27, 2014

A very special kind of list...

Happy birthday to the woman who:
Brought me into this world, and has yet to take me out of it

Happy birthday to the woman who:
Taught me what it means to be selfless... (leading to the next one)
Passed along her inability to say "No" or "I can't"
Caved when I was little and allowed me to get a kitten and a puppy - neither of which she wanted

Happy birthday to the woman who:
Baked countless Derby Pies for my Children's Miracle Network fundraisers
Can find the humor in all situations and laugh at herself
Attended countless (and I mean COUNTLESS) dance competitions with enthusiasm
Threw me in a fountain at SouthPark Mall when I was being sassy (It's a funny story... now)

Happy birthday to the woman who:
Let me skip class my senior year... a lot
Has bandaged far too many melanoma incisions
Is my source of strength through the "skin stuff" healing periods

Happy birthday to the woman who:
Can put lipstick on without using a mirror
Has prayed over me every day since I was born -- well, probably before
Thinks I'm funnier than the original actor when I'm reenacting a scene from a movie
Appreciates a good, silly selfie

Happy birthday to the woman who:
Told me to "work hard and prove them wrong"
Flew with me to NYC when I decided I wanted to audition for the Rockettes
Became my best friend during the tough times in high school when I felt totally alone

Happy birthday to the woman who:
Passed along her insatiable sweet tooth to me
Rode in a handicap-access chair in our hotel in Venice

Happy birthday to the woman who:
Loves mushrooms and tomatoes - both of which I hate, but I'm learning to hate less
Has tried every single brand of mascara - the woman's got some awesome, long lashes
Has one of the best smiles ever! (I mean, look at that grin - she's the one in the navy bow)

Happy birthday to the woman who:
Is the most beloved math tutor in the southeast - no doubt
Quizzed me over the material for countless tests growing up
Forced me to make up my bed every morning
Was beloved by the fraternity

Happy birthday to the woman who:
Taught me what it means to forgive easily
Flew to OKC, cooked for an entire day, then drove to Dallas with me to host a bridal shower
Has spent so much of her time improving my house (painting, sewing pillows, shopping for rugs, etc.)
Posed for me to "take her picture" while I was really snapping one of the lady with the crazy hair

Happy birthday to the woman who:
Is the most [wonderfully] intense mama bear ever

Happy birthday to the woman who cannot be summed up - by any stretch of the imagination - in a simple list. She is my example every day for the kind of woman I want to be. I have a lot of work to do, but I know she's going to love and encourage me every step of the way!

Happy Birthday, Momma! Olive you!!
xoxo, your LRH

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Using My Skillz

I've been spending some time this week playing around in Illustrator and practicing some of the skills I learned in the Digital Creative Workshop. I am a bit of a fanatic about awesome quotes. In fact, I have a "private" board on Pinterest that is filled with them.

Board is private for two reasons:
1. I have the freedom to pin some pretty sappy ones and it be secret
2. But mostly, I don't want to clutter the feeds of those who follow me on Pinterest!

I'm also notorious for listening to the same songs on single repeat - Linds, my college roommate, will attest to this. So, I took a couple lyrics from the "single repeat" songs as of late and played around.

The topic of nicknames came up in our staff retreat on Monday - mostly because people have been talking a lot about Kevin Durant needing a new nickname. What's wrong with "KD" people?!

Around the office, I'm Eliz and Lizzie. 
A couple OKC friends call me Eliza.
And quite a few people call me Liz. 
E-Town has always been one of my favorites - I'm looking at you Kelsey and Bobbie! 
The guy at the bagel shop calls me Lizard.

I love nicknames, and I give at least one to most of those closest to me. The nicknames that I've given to past boyfriends [or crushes] are pretty entertaining. All of them are kind - but funny none-the-less! 

So, the other night, I was thinking about it. Whether it's a nickname or just my name, there's something special and unique about how people say it. 

For instance, my mom will say "Elizabuth"- I'd hate if she ever stopped inserting that U sound - it comes out when she's being silly. It's unique to my Momma. No one says "Lizzie" like Brandi. And JP, well she set the standard for how to say "ELiz."

This next one is probably one of my favorites... I have a tendency to be self-deprecating and this is one aspect of my "crazy" that I can make fun of quite easily. You gotta love the "he's typing" bubble in iMessage. But, it can really drive a girl to the edge of Crazy Town.

And last but not least, my absolute favorite quote from "The Fault in Our Stars." Seriously, is it summer yet? I'm ready for this movie to come out!

In our workshop, Erin encouraged us to practice practice practice. She said that in the beginning our stuff will be bad - B A D - bad but it will get better with practice! It's the same for the calligraphy skills I've learned. I saw this video on Facebook last night, and it hit that same point home!!

Tomorrow is the most important day in February - if you ask me - and I can't wait to tell you whhhhhyyyy!!

In the meantime, did you see that I completed another 25 while 25 goal?

Thanks to Kelly's suggestion, I added a bubble on the right sidebar of the blog so you can click and go directly to my 25w25 list. Just in case you're interested in the most up-to-date progress!

Speaking of Kelly - check out her new biz page on Facebook - girlfriend is seriously talented!

I also took a trip down memory lane this week, thanks to my iPhone photos.

xoxo, E

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Life According to my iPhone Photos

It's always entertaining for me to go back and look through the photos on my iPhone. It's also necessary for me to clear out a bunch of photos that I don't need taking up space.

I am a screenshot-aholic. It's bad. I screenshot quotes that I love - I screenshot receipts when I pay my credit card through the app - I screenshot text message conversations -- I screenshot a lot. 

Kelly, of Design Crush, is posting 365 handwritten quotes in 2014. I try and limit the number of her quotes that I screenshot - mostly because it'd be 365 screenshots on my phone - but I think there's also a part of me that worries she gets a notification (Snapchat style) every time I screenshot the photo... and I don't want to look like a creepy, super-fan. 

Here are a couple of my favorites... You should seriously give her a follow, if you don't already, and join me in the obsession.

I think I picked these because they strike a particular chord with me at this point in my life. I love that she's doing this 365 Project!

Since I started training for the half-marathon, I've added quite a few stopwatch screenshots to the collection of photos my phone. 


I don't look at my time while I'm running, but when I'm done I like to do the math and see how fast I ran per mile. I was so shocked the other day when I did my 3.5 mile run and I ended up running a 10 minute mile - I've been running an 11 minute mile pretty consistently since I started. 

I had a really terrible attitude before that particular run -- I was tired, the weather was gross, and I just didn't waaaaanna!! (3 year old temper tantrum style) But right before I ran, I decided I was going to be better than my bad attitude. As it turns out, I was a 10 minute mile better than my crummy mindset!

I've got lots of photos from events including:
1. A cruddy-quality photo of Megan Mullally in concert (that bright blob on the right is her)
2. A pig in a tutu
3. The new KOSU event space
4. An awesome public art piece from February's Premiere on Film Row. I seriously got chills while reading what people wrote about our state
5. Oh, and our Developers' Luncheon event last week


I just recently did a major purge of the screenshots that synced from my phone to my computer. You guys, it was just ridiculous the number of "unnecessary" photos. But I just can't help it, I love love love pictures and the stories that they tell!

xoxo, E

Monday, February 24, 2014

Woop Woop - Another Completed 25w25 Goal!

So, remember how I've said that my friends are awesome and helping me check things of my 25 while 25 list? Well, I have officially completed the "Try 25 New Tastes" goal!

Our office did a group lunch at Mr. Pho last week. The calendar request from Jilly was awesome: "We're having lunch at Mr. Pho - and it's for no reason except it's delicious. Definitely not because Elizabeth has never had pho." 

"Luckily" I wasn't very hungry when lunch rolled around - I've decided that's the best time for me to try new tastes - that way I'm not hangry (angry due to hunger) if I don't like the food. 

Brandi and Jill suggested I order the pho with chicken. I was very worried that this protein choice made me a wimp and I wasn't trying real pho. Always the critic... 

I decided that the chance to possibly like pho was more important than my courage to go authentic... so, I ordered the chicken. 

I have to be real honest with y'all - I did not love the first bite. Cilantro is probably my least favorite herb - next to Rosemary - and so the cilantro leaf in the first bite wasn't my smartest move. 

I love the fact that Joe caught the first bite on video!! (Pardon the low-quality of the screenshot from the Snapchat video below.)

My opinion of pho definitely got better the more bites I took. I added a little hoisin to the broth and that helped the flavor. 

My official review: It was a great first experience. I am not sure I'll crave pho, but I won't decline an offer to go again. And I actually think I'll be a little more "adventurous" next time with adding some Thai basil and jalapeƱos. 

While at lunch that day, AJ let me try a bite of his pad thai - no, I'd never had Thai food either - and it was delicious! I am definitely a fan. 

I was trying to snap a picture of everyone at the table on their phone -- ya know, because I'm constantly accused of always being on my phone -- a true accusation, but still! -- and then AJ caught me.

The taste that completed the list was courtesy of Kimmy! We went to see Megan Mullally in a show at Lyric at the Plaza last Thursday, and afterwards we went to The Mule for a late-night snack. I voted for cheese curds but then she suggested poutine. My internal "Yes! I can add it to my list!" went off and we ordered the Canadian dish. It was pretty good! 

I didn't take a picture of the food - and let's be honest, do a quick google image search and you'll see it wouldn't have been a pretty picture anyway - but we did take this silly pic when Erick (Kimmy's husband) texted to see if we were having a fun girls night. Love my sweet Kimmy!

Here's to doing a happy dance for the completion of another 25 while 25 goal! 

Only 54 days to complete what's left...

xoxo, E

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I've talked before about my overwhelming love and adoration for my Nanny, but you guys, I just have to gush some more.

She's had two surgeries in the last month to make her pretty peepers better. Not only can she see better, but her new-found clearer sight is making her far more creative in her emoji-use. I am seriously rolling on the floor with her use of these characters!

I wasn't lucky enough to be in this next group text message - but I seriously couldn't contain my giggles when Momma sent me the screenshots. Not only was Will's reply awesome about his brother's new bling (#AlwaysTheLastToKnow), but Nanny had me in stitches. In case you can't tell, she is a pretty big fan of her grandchildren. 


My Nanny taught me to love Cary Grant - she fostered my sweet tooth - she attended every dance competition - she is an even bigger mama bear than Mommacita (hard to imagine) - and she has just a touch more sass than I do (again, hard to imagine.)

There are also certain Nanny-isms that are my favorite:
The way she says, "Hello my darlin'"
The way she giggles every time she answers the phone and I squeal, "Hey Nanny!!"
Her use of the word "Poe Poe" to describe one's derriere
How she describes a far distance as "over yonder"

She is endlessly entertained by my storytelling - especially when the stories involve boys and my unbelievable awkwardness. My favorite is when one of my stories leads to a story about my Paw Paw. He was such a stud.

These pictures make my heart swell with love...


I hope I never forget the story of what was happening in that picture on the bottom left. Momma was behind the camera and said, "Mom! Smile!" Then, this sassafrass was like, "Yeah Nanny, smile! I mean, you're getting to take a picture with me." Then the queen of all sass said, "Well, you're nothing to smile about." 

Bahahahahaha. Of course she then said, "That's not what I meant and you know it." 

Still. That picture is priceless to me.

Joyce Greene is more precious than gold and her kind spirit is more valuable than the most rare diamond. But you know what I love most about her?

She makes everything better.

xoxo, E

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Scared to open that door...

Can I be real honest? I've had the best time working towards completing my 25 while 25 list, but I have this little voice in my head that whispers there will be at least one goal I don't complete.

This isn't a vague, general whisper. It's about a very specific goal -- number 18 to be precise. (Reminder: #18 is to put on the ol' tap shoes and (re)learn this choreography)

Before last night, the reasons included:
  • I don't want to be too hard on my joints, I've got a half-marathon to run! 
  • I'm not sure I'll be able to find some studio space, and it's so terrible to tap on cement in the garage.
  • I don't even know if I remember how to notate choreography. I'm going to need to rediscover those skills so that I'm not hunched over my laptop for hours on end.
  • Do I even have the time to devote to this goal?
Well, last night I sat down to prove to myself that yes, I could still notate choreography. 

After watching the same 5 seconds over and over again - more like twenty times over and over again - I took a break to dry my hair. I let my mind begin to wander, and I realized the real fear that I have... I'm scared to open the door to dance again.

It has become a roll-right-off-the-tongue part of my story when I tell people, "I came to OKC to be a dance major but changed my plan in the spring of my junior year, and I just haven't left Okie land." 

Normally, I can be found having at least one "dance break" during the workday. When I'm getting ready in the morning or washing my face at night, I'm definitely having a mini concert in my house. My soul feels alive when I see a Broadway show, and it turns out I also get teary watching ice dancing during the Olympics...

I know that I miss dancing, but I'm scared to realize just how much I miss it as I work towards checking this goal off my list.

I absolutely know that I don't want to audition for a living, but I miss performing. Maybe that's why I'm such a performer in daily life. Yes Sis, I'm acknowledging that I can be a wee bit dramatic - especially in my storytelling.

Accomplishing this goal will be difficult - not just because I haven't put on a pair of tap shoes in 5 years (I just had a freak-out moment when I realized how long it's actually been), but because it's going to be a mental challenge to banish the "what if" thoughts while I tap-tap-tippity-tap. 

Well, here's to facing all of life's challenges head on! 

xoxo, E

Friday, February 14, 2014

5 Things Friday

Sometimes you have one of those weeks where there are so many moments that need to be frozen in time with a photo! This was one of those weeks.

1. I spent Wednesday night with my favorite little princess. We dined on delicious Chick-fil-a, watched a movie, played with puzzles & the etch a sketch, and took lots of silly selfies.


2. I mailed January's Lettered Letters... in February.

3. My mom sent me a surprise in the mail that had me playing dress-up with a flamingo. One of the outfits is for the Olympics... obviously... and the other is for when it's time to PARTAY!!

4. We had way too much fun cleaning the office yesterday morning. I may have allowed my arm to be twisted hard enough that I agreed to try on Jill's wedding dress. (Long story for why it was at the office.) Once I had it on, we had a good laugh -- well, they had a good laugh at my facial expressions. I think it was a combination of "Holy crud, I have a wedding dress on." and "OMG I have a wedding dress on!" The little girl in me was feeling like a princess, the grown-up was freaking out.

I had a good giggle at how ridiculous I was being. I'm convinced the latter reaction is one that can't be helped. The idea of getting married right now makes me break out in nervous hives. Note: I'm listening to "Little Black Dress" by Sara Bareilles right now. I'm definitely going to stick with the LBD.

5. My mom sent me so many pictures this week that I hadn't ever seen before! Too many for a Throwback Thursday post on Instagram, so they get their own feature on 5 Things Friday...

I definitely got a little teary when I saw this picture of me and my big sis. Talk about admiration - it's right there on my face! Even if we are only half-sisters, she always treated me with full love and made me feel oh so special. She still does! 

Not sure where those glasses came from, but I was rocking them for sure. And hey there Michelin Man arms!


It's so much fun to look back at old pictures - especially ones like these that I hadn't seen before.

This last one is of Momma and Paw Paw. I love it so much. Momma is seriously going after that bottle and my paw paw looks so handsome and breezy. I wish more than anything I could've had the chance to meet him, but I adore every story my Nanny tells me!

Have you been watching the winter olympics? I am absolutely loving them!! My stomach is in knots watching so many of the events though. These athletes are incredibly brave - and maybe a touch insane for doing what they do...

Happy Valentine's Day love bugs!
xoxo, E