While most kids looked forward to a summer vacation at Myrtle Beach, I looked forward to our quick weekend trips to NYC throughout the year to see the latest Broadway show. Please, please (please!) understand that I don't say that in a snobby way. In fact, maybe I should delete that sentence to be sure I'm not misunderstood...
Things that are a given about a pilot's kid:
1. I've never had to battle a fear of flying. I flew while still in the womb. (Mom was a flight attendant. I felt that if I didn't clarify, it'd seem like dad was the one who was preggers.)
2. I've had a passport since I was 3.
3. I'm an expert packer - lies - I always over-pack. However, I'm great at packing for security. All of the items that I have to remove are at the top of my bag.
4. I always, always, always compliment the pilot on a smooth landing and thank the whole flight crew for getting us to our destination. They kept me alive and got me somewhere quickly, they deserve it!
5. I never turn off my devices because I know it doesn't really make a difference. (Even though, on my last flight they told us we could keep them on if they were in Airplane Mode. I do that.)
6. I understand how a plane flies. It's because of the Bernoulli Principle.
It's super complicated and rooted in physics, but my dad (the best pilot ever) made it simple! He was talking to my class in elementary school and told us that the Bernoulli family was flying through the air and they encountered an airplane in the sky. The dad and the son went over the wing while mom and daughter went under the wing, then they met on the other side. That, ladies and gents, is the Bernoulli Principle.

I have been incredibly fortunate that my dad's job allowed me to go to NYC multiple times a year to enjoy live theater in one of the best cities in the world. It definitely fostered my love (read: obsession) with musical theater and my comfort with navigating the City.
In fact, Momma jokes that I have no problem finding my way around NYC, but I always get lost in our mall, SouthPark. Amen woman. That's the truth! (Even though I worked there for a couple of summers and definitely have plenty of experience shopping there.)
One of the hardest parts of growing up has been "aging out" my flying privileges. Getting to fly for free was definitely my favorite perk of being a member of an airline family.
My dad would probably say his favorite perk is a paycheck -- I'd say mom has a foot in both camps.
Well, unfortunately for us airline kiddos, once I turned 25, that particular perk expired for me. Although, it pretty much became worthless once I moved to Oklahoma for college. Since I traveled home during peak times of the year - and US Airways doesn't fly direct to OKC - we always purchased my ticket.
Anyway, since it was never an issue to catch a flight to a fun place, pretty much on a whim, traveling has always been a huge part of my life. It is particularly hard for me now that it isn't. I miss the exhilaration of take off and knowing that a fun and exciting new adventure is waiting for me on the other side!

It was always pretty cool to go on my dad's trips with him. I remember how I'd beam with pride when he'd announce over the loud speaker, "This is your Captain Ed Newton and we'd like to welcome you aboard." It was also fun when he'd give me and my mom a shout out. Our first trips to London and Paris were before he switched over to international routes, but we went to Germany on a trip with him during the Wiesbaden Christmas Market. It was spectacular!
I've been thinking about travel a lot lately. I've got the itch. But seriously, how awesome would it be to be a travel writer - or better yet, a luxury hotel reviewer!! Okay, come down off of that fantasy cloud, Newton.
It didn't hurt either that my dad sent me a text yesterday morning to see if I'd be able to take 2 weeks vacation in the summer of 2015. "Momma wants to do another girls trip." (For your reference, Italy 2010 was our last extended girls trip)
Oh father, you will really have to twist my arm on this one.
My top 5 favorite trips:
1. Italy
2. NYC - can't pick a favorite time, they are all my favorite.
3. Boston
4. Swaziland, Africa
5. Vancouver/Alaska
My top
1. Australia
2. Greece
3. Spain
4. Ireland
5. Cinque Terre, Italy
6. Switzerland
And just for fun, a few domestic spots on my wish list:
1. San Francisco
2. Chicago
3. Seattle
4. Back to Boston!!
I think I might get to check off #1 off my international list next summer! Have any of you been to Australia before? Or know anyone who has? I'm looking for all kinds of input about where to go and what to do!
Dreaming of far off places, the Australian outback, the white sandy beaches of Greece, and this darling swim suit I ordered last week.
xoxo, E
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