Board is private for two reasons:
1. I have the freedom to pin some pretty sappy ones and it be secret
2. But mostly, I don't want to clutter the feeds of those who follow me on Pinterest!
I'm also notorious for listening to the same songs on single repeat - Linds, my college roommate, will attest to this. So, I took a couple lyrics from the "single repeat" songs as of late and played around.

The topic of nicknames came up in our staff retreat on Monday - mostly because people have been talking a lot about Kevin Durant needing a new nickname. What's wrong with "KD" people?!
Around the office, I'm Eliz and Lizzie.
A couple OKC friends call me Eliza.
And quite a few people call me Liz.
E-Town has always been one of my favorites - I'm looking at you Kelsey and Bobbie!
The guy at the bagel shop calls me Lizard.
I love nicknames, and I give at least one to most of those closest to me. The nicknames that I've given to past boyfriends [or crushes] are pretty entertaining. All of them are kind - but funny none-the-less!
So, the other night, I was thinking about it. Whether it's a nickname or just my name, there's something special and unique about how people say it.
For instance, my mom will say "Elizabuth"- I'd hate if she ever stopped inserting that U sound - it comes out when she's being silly. It's unique to my Momma. No one says "Lizzie" like Brandi. And JP, well she set the standard for how to say "ELiz."

And last but not least, my absolute favorite quote from "The Fault in Our Stars." Seriously, is it summer yet? I'm ready for this movie to come out!

In our workshop, Erin encouraged us to practice practice practice. She said that in the beginning our stuff will be bad - B A D - bad but it will get better with practice! It's the same for the calligraphy skills I've learned. I saw this video on Facebook last night, and it hit that same point home!!
Tomorrow is the most important day in February - if you ask me - and I can't wait to tell you whhhhhyyyy!!
In the meantime, did you see that I completed another 25 while 25 goal?
Thanks to Kelly's suggestion, I added a bubble on the right sidebar of the blog so you can click and go directly to my 25w25 list. Just in case you're interested in the most up-to-date progress!
Speaking of Kelly - check out her new biz page on Facebook - girlfriend is seriously talented!
I also took a trip down memory lane this week, thanks to my iPhone photos.
xoxo, E
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