Have we learned by now that I really love projects and goals?
Anyway, I was clicking through the pictures and experienced a wide range of emotions: I felt nostalgic, I was entertained, I shed a graceful tear or two, I rolled my eyes at what I thought was worthy of a photo and I thought "man I looked young!!"
Well, the more entertained I got, the more I thought it might be worthy of a #tbt post of epic proportions!
Some of these will speak for themselves -- but I'll interject as needed as we take a look back!

**NOTE from Elizabeth: Day 28's photo made me giggle - a bathroom selfie made the cut**

**NOTE from Elizabeth: Ha! I don't think I'll ever forget this conversation with Kimmy. I was working as the Inauguration Manager for OCU's 17th president and was working with a lot of high ranking people, both on campus and off. Well, I had a different blog in college, but one thing was the same, I signed every post "xoxo, E."
Well, the blogger in me almost slipped out in an email to one of those high-rankers, and naturally I had to tell my Kimmy about it. Although, I'm sure she heard me shriek as I realized my faux pas seconds before clicking "send."**

**NOTE from Elizabeth: I spent days - DAYS - stuffing and sealing over 10,000 invitations to the Inauguration festivities. I'm pretty sure I threatened, "When I get married, I'm just going to send out an e-vite," after this experience!**

**NOTE from Elizabeth: Oh yeah, one of those invitations went to a Supreme Court Justice - WHHHHAT?!**

**NOTE from Elizabeth: Some things never change... see here**

**NOTE from Elizabeth: I've never felt more special than I did my first two days at ICG. Plus, I saw my name on a business card for the first time! Hashtag Grown Up**

**NOTE from Elizabeth: Looks like this is about when LLL in Louboutins got its start!**

**NOTE from Eliz: Again, at least I'm consistent! See here**

**NOTE from Elizabeth: There was so much glitter after this shoot -- and I kept finding it in my hair after multiple washes. I'm convinced glitter reproduces on its own!**

**NOTE from Elizabeth: My favorite day as an ICG employee -- Giving Day -- we got to shop for some kids in need. Merry Christmas indeed!**

**NOTE from Elizabeth: I have to admit, I was pretty bummed that this was the photo that culminated my year-long project. But, I guess that was the biggest thing that happened that day -- new kitchen curtains**
I hope you enjoyed this #tbt post. It's only been three years, but it seems like SUCH a long time ago!
❤️ This!!! EPIC indeed!!!