Crisis Communications... which also happened to be my favorite topic from my college PR class days.
We had two guest speakers, and I felt like college Elizabeth all over again... nodding along as they talked, raising my hand to engage in the conversation, volunteering to be the spokesperson for my group -- I was in my element!
I forgot how much I loved developing communication strategies and thinking through the possible scenarios.
Side note: I won an award for best opening statement during a mock press conference in college dealing with crisis management. What what!
I'll also never forget the time, during that same press conference, when I called on the professor that everyone knew would give you a run for your money, so she could ask her question. She may or may not have been snubbed by a teammate in the previous round, and I was trying to get back in her good graces.
True story.
Anyway, I digress.
One of our speakers owns her own PR firm and the other is the Regional CEO at the Red Cross. Both of their presentations were wonderfully put together and engaging... not surprising for two professional communicators!
The focus of the Board Serve Program is to prepare individuals to be exceptional board members and serve area non-profit organizations. Well, as a bleeding heart and a indisputable "blue" personality, it's right up my alley.
Growing up, I raised money for our local Children's Miracle Network by selling Derby Pies. If you aren't familiar, leave a comment and I'll make you one! In college, I had big dreams of working for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. And last week, well, Batkid had me crying at my desk.
If you aren't familiar with Batkid, just google it. I dare you not to get chills. Way to go Make a Wish Foundation!
I am crazy passionate about children's health. I'm not sure why, other than I just feel like it's my calling to be involved and make a difference. Maybe that's why this video has me sobbing, smiling and laughing all at once! I know I've shared it before, but it's just the best!
Tonight in class, we discussed how important it is to find a board that gets you pumped up and to find something you're passionate about! I really hope I have the opportunity to get placed on a board, at the completion of the program, that involves children. My heart feels like it's breaking when I think about it, but I know that my blue-ness makes me pretty perfect for this role!
I just realized, maybe you don't know what I mean when I say I'm "blue"... Have you ever taken the color personality test? Well, every time I've ever taken it, I get the same results. Blue. Blue. Blue, baby blue.
I even took the test again last night to get a description of what it means to be blue... and also to see if I still got the same results. Shocker... I did!

On some days, I would definitely be okay with being a little less "blue." My heart hurts when I see older people eating alone in a restaurant -- like you guys, sometimes I actually get teary. It's embarrassing.
But most days, I'm thankful for my forgiving, compassionate and fiercly loyal personality.
What color is your personality? What are you passionate about? What fuels you? If you're like me, sometimes it's nice to be reminded - on accident - the answers to those questions!
Wow. So good. I can hear your pep in the words. ❤️ Now I have to take a colour test!!!
ReplyDeleteI totally used to make Derby pies for all my friends for Christmas - by request ;)