Ladies and Gentlemen,
If you happen to be one of the people who stopped by my booth at Deluxe Winter Market over the Thanksgiving weekend, this message is for you: THANK YOU!!!
I had such an amazing time at my first show with Loops & Belles. Honestly, never in my wildest imaginations did I think that I would officially launch my business and then exhibit at a show 3 months later!
It was a crazy whirlwind to prepare and get ready for the show - and I'll admit that at times there were tears - but it was totally worth it!
I'm not really sure I can put into words what it felt like to have the full inventory of my cards spread out over my dining room table for the first time. "Real." I guess that's it. It felt really real. Like I was actually starting this business and following my passion. (The excitement on my face in the picture below also helps to shed some light... I had just picked up my two Christmas card designs from the printer, and I was ecstatic!)

As a self-proclaimed organizational-obsessed gal, I had an absolute blast packaging and sorting all of my cards for transport to Leadership Square for the event.

I also had a lot of fun working on the mailbox and its mini-post for my display! The "booth in-progress" was set up in my laundry room for about a month prior to the event with new aspects being added and adjusted almost daily. (Now, I just need to get that 6ft. table out of my laundry room and back into storage! Details.)

I'm very happy with how the final display turned out. Naturally, I have a few ideas of how to enhance it for the next show, but I wouldn't have changed a thing for Deluxe!
I have to give Momma major kuddos here for how she wrapped the mailbox post in the garland and lights. I was mighty frustrated with the work product I was turning out. In swooped Millie with her patient spirit, and it looked great once she was done!

Speaking of Momma, she was absolutely the best "helper" during the show. She has such a calming presence about her and she had me giggling the whole weekend. She is also the best packager and change-giver. It was so nice to be able to chat with friends and customers during their purchase and let her worry about the math part of the transaction. #MathTeacherForTheWin

I was so thrilled that Linzy and her mom were my first customers on Saturday at Deluxe! The visits and purchases from all my other people - both pictured and not pictured below - meant the world!!

Booth setup for the second day of Deluxe was a bit speedier than the first - Momma and I had our system all worked out! Since we had a little bit of time to kill before the doors opened, we gave the photo booth a spin.

Day 2 was also filled with visits from friends and silly photos. Erick said that it looked like Kimmy and I had halos over our heads when he took our picture -- naturally, I made a joke about how of course there were halos... we're angels after all! -- and he snapped a candid.

I feel like I can't say it enough - but thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU to everyone who stopped by and supported Loops & Belles during my first show at Deluxe Winter Market! I am really excited to plan out what 2015 looks like for my business - more shows, new cards, and more!
xoxo, E

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