I'm a list maker. Grocery lists. Half marathon "songs to download" lists. Favorite quotes lists. Lists. Lists. Lists.
Back to the mini-list...
I'd planned on doing a "25 things you might not know about me" post before my birthday. Welp, that time has passed. However, a text message from Chelsi yesterday made me think that some of these might still be worth posting!
Chelsi: Hold the phone. You have a sister?! I had it in my head you had no siblings!
Me: Hahaha. I have two half-siblings.
Chelsi: Mind blown!
#1 - I have two half-siblings.
My brother is 17 years older and my sister is [cough cough] 14 years older.

L to R: Steph (sis-in-law), Billy, Me, Kristen, Joe (bro-in-law, with a sweet 'stache)

My sister made me laugh when I was little until I had a serious case of the hiccups, is always on my team when we are giving my brother a hard time, and still calls me "punkin." [As you can see below, there's no doubt how I felt about my big sister.]
#2 - Mohammad Ali kissed me on the cheek when I was little.
This was always my "unique fact" in school. It happened to come up in conversation when we were in Hilton Head this past weekend and my mom said, "We were staying in that plantation when MA kissed you." I didn't realize that's where we were when he bent down to kiss "the cute little red head" riding down the hall on her blue, plastic motorcycle. [aka: mote mote]
#3 - I was Annie in one of our dance competition routines.
Enough said.

#4 - I was cast in a Rack Room Shoes commercial when I was in elementary school.
The shot started on my feet hopscotching and then the camera panned up to my bouncing curly hair. Curls for the win.
#5 - I can quote the entire opener to Law & Order.
"In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups, the police who investigate crimes and the district attorneys to prosecute the offenders. These are their stories." [dun dun]
#6 - When I was younger, I told my mom I wanted a mini-van with doors on both sides when I turned 16. Thank the Lord they didn't hold me to that one!
#7 - I am an introvert.
I love being around my friends, and I'm pretty outgoing [aka: loud] when I'm around people I know, but I love love love my alone time.
#8 - I love Algebra.
Gimme that quadratic formula, baby.
#9 I've seen National Treasure more times than I care to count.
#10 I have a serious obsession with paper products and wish I had the skill to be a stationery designer.
So, how'd I do? Any surprises in this list?
xoxo, E
Ha! I'm so glad you dedicated a blog post to this! #5 pretty much means we need to have a law and order marathon some rainy Saturday. #6: When I was younger, i wanted a bright purple Dodge Neon. There was one that drove around town and I thought it was SO cool. #9: I saw National Treasure in theaters three times and am equally ashamed. I can't help but love it!
ReplyDelete#1 - I totally didn't know you had siblings either. Awesome.
ReplyDelete#2 - Double awesome. And hilarious.
#9 and #10 - I second both of these!