Among the multitude of styled, filtered and cropped photos, sometimes my life just isn't picture-ready.
Don't get me wrong, Instagram is my favorite social media platform, and I absolutely love the styled-to-perfection photos. But on those days when comparison is running wild, I have to remind myself that for every "perfect" photo, an imperfect person is on the other side [working meticulously] to capture that fleeting moment.

Well, in the interest of total honesty, I figured that I would show the state of my perfectly-imperfect house. Especially since Saturday was the 1-year anniversary of sealing the deal on this little beauty!!
- March 15, 2013 -

My yellow front door is most definitely in the "top five" of favorite changes that I've made since this little bungalow became mine!

Okay, after a week of events during Downtown Employee Appreciation Week, followed by a week of preparing for the O'City St. Patrick's Day Parade and battling [what feels like a never ending bout of] food poisoning, here is reality:
1. Many, many piles of clean and folded laundry. Apparently, the extra 8 minutes to put it all away is just too much.
2. A dining room table that isn't used for dining as much as it's a catch-all for all of my stuff after work, after a run, or after just about anything.
3. Again, the jewelry box is a mere 6 feet away. But the dresser is much more convenient for de-robing jewelry at the end of the day.
Especially since Kelly gave me this lovely little jewelry tray! Life is too important to be taken seriously.
4. My bed - beautiful when made - hasn't been made in quite some time.
5. Oh, and remember this photo from my Instagram? Well, on most days, this is how it actually looks!
Ya know... since I don't make my bed.
So, can I make a confession? Even in my [very intentional] decision to be honest in these photos and not allow the "Instagram effect" to creep in, it was harder than anticipated to show real life. As much as I love Instagram, it creates such a culture of comparison and discontentment.
"Comparison is the thief of joy."
Comparison is a necessary evil, but I won't let it steal my overwhelming joy that I get to live this beautifully-messy, not [always] suitable for Instagram, life.
... But I am definitely thankful for the multiple iPhone apps that help make me look tanner and my pictures a little prettier!
xoxo, E
p.s. speaking of Instagram, I did another closet clean-out last night and posted the stuff to my @shopelizcloset page. Same rules as last time: everything is free, but if you want to donate, all money will go to the Children's Miracle Network!
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