Now, before you even think it, I'm not running to the store tomorrow to purchase all of the sweets I can get my hands on. I feel so much better without all of that sugar, but I do look forward to the chance to indulge every once in a while. I'm no fool, I know the lack of sugar has helped my training for the half, but sometimes a girl just needs a cookie!
Speaking of training for the half, my official training program begins on Monday. Even though I started my training a few weeks ago, the "Elizabeth do not deviate from this plan" starts in 3 days.
I ran two miles without stopping on Wednesday - in case you were wondering, this is what 2 miles looks like.
Feel free to judge my music choices, but uptempo music makes the time move faster for me - plus I have a compulsion to run on the beat.
Jill loaned me the book "The Fault in Our Stars," and after watching the trailer for the movie yesterday, I knew I needed to start reading it immediately. So, that's what I'll be doing this weekend! You can watch the trailer here - but be ready to shed a tear or two.
I have really been feeling the love this week. In a planning session for one of our events, I stopped the conversation to point out just how lucky we are to do the job we do and have discussions that involve awesome & fun ways to interact with our community.
I love the times when things are truckin' and falling into place -- it's especially awesome when this happens for one of my favorite events! I. Love. My. Job.

Happy last day of January love bugs!
xoxo, E
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