Saturday, September 8, 2012

Delightful Decor Dreaming!

By now, everyone (and their brother) is familiar with Pinterest. And most of us are obsessed, no? I think it's really great for when you need inspiration for a DIY project or party, if you are looking for a great recipe for dinner, or if you seriously want to feel like your life isn't glamorous enough. I kid on that last one... well, a little bit kidding.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "I wish Pinterest was around when I was planning my wedding!" But I want to argue another point... I've been to a few parties/weddings where I've overheared people say, "Oh, she/they just found that on Pinterest." Gone is the recognition and credit for being creative or clever! It's all attributed to Pinterest! Once I heard these statements being made, and to be honest I find it to be a little bit insulting, I vowed to a.) never let those words leave my lips, lest the host hear b.) do my darn best to not have my wedding (whenever that day comes) reflect all the latest trends and ideas on Pinterest. Weddings and parties have been beautiful for years and years before Pinterest was around, so any of you pre-Pinterest people: Don't take anything away from your event! It was perfect because it was yours!

::off my soapbox::

That being said, I am so obsessed with home decor/decorating ideas right now. Here are a few of my favorites from Pinterest :) lol

Naturally, let's start with the creme de la creme. Talk about a dream closet!! I am wishing, hoping, thinking and praying that this kind of display will be in my future! I just swoon over the center island with the clear top drawers. Perfect for displaying fabulous jewelry! Not to mention the showcase of fancy footwear and heavenly handbands. (Can you tell I'm a fan of alliteration?)

If nothing else, I'll take just one of the handbags shown here!

Wallpaper is coming back in a big way, and while I'm not totally sold, I sure do love the wallpaper backing of this shoe and handbag shelving space!

Moving on to the Kitchen - and organization techniques! I just died when I saw this pantry. Not only are the storage containers the ones I've been crushing on lately, but look at the cute stickers! I promptly pinned (and downloaded) the template for these beauties.

Oh, one more clothes-related pin. I love this "dressing area" rod for the corner of the bedroom. It takes picking out what you'll wear tomorrow to a whole new chic level! Narrow it down to a few options, then make your decision in the morning. Or better yet, plan your outfits for the week!

And for those of us that love a good stripe - check out these awesome curtains
and the exquisitely painted hallway!

This next photo will lead us nicely into another home design obsession of mine - ceiling coffers. J'adore!! And in this picture, I'm also loving the staircase!

And last, but certainly not least, I'm trying to find the perfect place for me to DIY this beauty! Is it not just perfectly preppy... and girlie... and Kate Spade-esque?!
I never thought I'd be one that would dream of a home - taking care of a yard/garden is not in this girl's DNA - but with all these design ideas, I need more space than my cozy 2 bedroom apartment can provide!!
For now, I'll keep living out this fantasy through Pinterest and HGTV!
xoxo, E
credit for all photos can be found on my Decor I Adore board

1 comment:

  1. Ummm I'm loving that door with the gold dots. Love. Love. Love.
