Monday, June 11, 2012

Fear the Beard

It's been a crazy week and a half!

We found out last week that our OKC Thunder is going to the NBA Finals! Such an exciting time for our city!

To say that this city truly unites around this basketball team is an understatement. I feel lucky enough to have been a part of a meeting to discuss what we'd do in the downtown area to attract national media coverage - or give the national media, that will already be here, something to talk about.

You might remember this post about my obsession with the buffalo statues in OKC. Well, mid-meeting I said, "How cool would it be to put James Harden bears on all the buffalo downtown?!"

For those of you that don't know my main man, Harden, allow me to introduce you...

Sure enough, the idea was a hit and it became my weekend project!

Luckily, I have a bf who loves these kinds of projects and was a great assistant. We made eight beards and drove around downtown OKC adorning the statues with Harden beards.

The response from the fans has been overwhelming! I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't giddy every time I check the stats and see the number of "likes" and "shares" on Facebook!

I fully intend on wearing a beard and a "Fear the Beard" button at work tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll share a pic!

On a less hairy note, I am counting down the hours until 5pm on Wednesday - that is when the fun begins!! Doublemint is becoming a Mrs. Doublemint this weekend!! I've spent the last couple weeks working on the Bachelorette party and other fun festivities! I seriously cannot wait to celebrate my best friend as she begins her new life with SZ. Hurry up Wednesday!! I'm ready to drive to Dallas!

Happy NBA Finals Week!

xoxo, E

p.s. My too cute cousin graduated from high school this last weekend!! Isn't he just the most handsome?! I'm so proud of him, and he gave an awesome welcome speech as Class President! I love you WTG!

p.p.s. Check out that smokin' hot lady next to him - that's my Momma, y'all!

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