Thursday, September 13, 2012

Girl's Weekend

I'm the happiest girl right now!! Mommacita is on her way!! I'm picking her up from DFW this morning and then we are road tripping to OKC!

I am so excited to spend this long weekend with her and just have some Momma time! Forgive me if I'm a little absent from the blog over the next couple of days.

Xoxo, E

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Joining the team

I've got some exciting news to share!! It's an announcement that I've been holding onto for 2 weeks now... at least on all my social media platforms. Today is my last day at the Myriad Gardens. I got a phone call 2 weeks (and 2 days ago) from Downtown OKC Inc. asking me if I'd be interested in joining their team. I was totally shocked - and totally interested in hearing more details!

After a "quick" 24 hours of dreaming of this new job and all the fun I'd have working with the team at DOKC, I met with Jill to discuss the position. I think I gave away how eager and excited I was when I pulled out my resume and reference list before we barely even had a chance to sit down! An hour later we had discussed a lot of what the job would entail and it was nearly official that I had an offer. Less than 2 hours later it was official, and I accepted!!

While I'm sad to leave my Myriad Gardens group, I'm so excited to join this new team and work on some AWESOME events to get folks downtown to eat, play and live!

I'm excited for the next few days off from work to relax a bit! AND Mommacita is coming to visit and play!! Hooray!!

xoxo, E

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Weeked Wrap-up

Weekend wrap-up on a Tuesday? That's what happens when I'm sick on a Monday!

We had a jam-packed weekend with a trip to Dallas for a gala that honored the philanthropic work of M's second cousin who passed last year. This trip also meant it was time for Bella's first "sleepover camp" - aka she had to be boarded for the first time.

I was absolutely sick over it. "What if she is scared? What if the other dogs won't play with her? What if they play too rough? What if she thinks we won't come back and get her?" Yes, I'm insanely obsessive over my dog's feelings.

I made her pose for this pic with her sleepover bag, blankie and toy before I dropped her off Saturday morning. Yes, our puppy is a die-hard Carolina fan!

Isn't this just the cutest puppy lodge ever? All of the dogs have their own kennels and can run outside whenever they want. They even get fresh bedding every morning! B was at the Ritz!

I'm 99% sure she had a blast, especially when we saw how exhausted she was yesterday after we picked her up! I think girlfriend slept all day long, with occasional play time breaks in between.

As for us humans, I love getting dressed up so the gala was super fun!!

You can't take us anywhere without a silly picture being snapped!
(sorry for crummy iPhone pic quality)
This event had the most beautiful yellow roses.
I'm not a big rose girl, but these might have converted me! 

The drive back was a lot of fun too. I finally finished Emily Giffin's latest book -
and I'm begging for a sequel!

We also drove by one of KK's rigs so I could see first hand the oil rigs that he manages. Pretty cool stuff! Although I have to admit, I didn't understand half of the terminology!

Even with being sick yesterday, I mustered up some energy to go for an evening run with M - half marathon is less than 12 weeks away! Plus it's easy to run when you know a yummy homecooked meal is waiting for you at the end. M is a big fan of the slow cooker, and after eating a few meals that he has prepared, I am too!

I got to M's condo before he did yesterday evening, so I took Miss B out of the tennis court and threw the ball around for her to chase. She was exhausted after about 10 minutes and immediately collapsed on the floor once we got inside. Isn't she adorable?!

After dinner, I showed her a pic of our friend's new German Shephard puppy and she was entranced. I think someone has a case of puppy love!
Happy Tuesday! I've got a fun announcement to share tomorrow - and I think Mommacita is coming to visit on Thursday!! It's a great week for sure!
xoxo, E

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Delightful Decor Dreaming!

By now, everyone (and their brother) is familiar with Pinterest. And most of us are obsessed, no? I think it's really great for when you need inspiration for a DIY project or party, if you are looking for a great recipe for dinner, or if you seriously want to feel like your life isn't glamorous enough. I kid on that last one... well, a little bit kidding.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "I wish Pinterest was around when I was planning my wedding!" But I want to argue another point... I've been to a few parties/weddings where I've overheared people say, "Oh, she/they just found that on Pinterest." Gone is the recognition and credit for being creative or clever! It's all attributed to Pinterest! Once I heard these statements being made, and to be honest I find it to be a little bit insulting, I vowed to a.) never let those words leave my lips, lest the host hear b.) do my darn best to not have my wedding (whenever that day comes) reflect all the latest trends and ideas on Pinterest. Weddings and parties have been beautiful for years and years before Pinterest was around, so any of you pre-Pinterest people: Don't take anything away from your event! It was perfect because it was yours!

::off my soapbox::

That being said, I am so obsessed with home decor/decorating ideas right now. Here are a few of my favorites from Pinterest :) lol

Naturally, let's start with the creme de la creme. Talk about a dream closet!! I am wishing, hoping, thinking and praying that this kind of display will be in my future! I just swoon over the center island with the clear top drawers. Perfect for displaying fabulous jewelry! Not to mention the showcase of fancy footwear and heavenly handbands. (Can you tell I'm a fan of alliteration?)

If nothing else, I'll take just one of the handbags shown here!

Wallpaper is coming back in a big way, and while I'm not totally sold, I sure do love the wallpaper backing of this shoe and handbag shelving space!

Moving on to the Kitchen - and organization techniques! I just died when I saw this pantry. Not only are the storage containers the ones I've been crushing on lately, but look at the cute stickers! I promptly pinned (and downloaded) the template for these beauties.

Oh, one more clothes-related pin. I love this "dressing area" rod for the corner of the bedroom. It takes picking out what you'll wear tomorrow to a whole new chic level! Narrow it down to a few options, then make your decision in the morning. Or better yet, plan your outfits for the week!

And for those of us that love a good stripe - check out these awesome curtains
and the exquisitely painted hallway!

This next photo will lead us nicely into another home design obsession of mine - ceiling coffers. J'adore!! And in this picture, I'm also loving the staircase!

And last, but certainly not least, I'm trying to find the perfect place for me to DIY this beauty! Is it not just perfectly preppy... and girlie... and Kate Spade-esque?!
I never thought I'd be one that would dream of a home - taking care of a yard/garden is not in this girl's DNA - but with all these design ideas, I need more space than my cozy 2 bedroom apartment can provide!!
For now, I'll keep living out this fantasy through Pinterest and HGTV!
xoxo, E
credit for all photos can be found on my Decor I Adore board

Friday, September 7, 2012

Embarrassing Photos

So, last night I decided that I wanted to go through my thumb drives and CDs of data from my "childhood" computer and college days so that I could organize it all and know where everything is. OCD much? It's okay, I know it's true.

So, I started with the disc from our family computer. Among the documents of homework and test reviews, I found some photos that caused me to literally almost die of embarrassment... and I was alone in the room!

Obviously, my first thought was, "I cannot save these photos, lest anyone see them!"

Then my second thought was, "Oh, these are too funny. I've got to share a few!!"

So, for your viewing pleasure, a touch of humiliation - with mostly good ones to maintain my dignity!

Sidenote: I thought about instagraming the bad ones, but let's be honest, that's not reality - and I'm not sure the power of Instagram would really improve them!!

Okay, I've put it off for long enough.

Let's start it off with a cute one - baby Elizabeth gawking at the piggie that does back flips!

Poor Samantha (American Girl Doll) could never sleep in her bed. Perdita claimed it as her own. Naturally, as a good cat mom, I covered her with a bandana blanket.

Poor Missy, hoisted up on my lap for a picture! This picture qualifies as semi-embarrassing.

When I came across this pic, I immediately started laughing. I'm pretty sure the photographer (me) suggested this pose for the parentals. Naturally, they love their little red head! Kiss Kiss.

Model Elizabeth

This might be my new favorite picture of my parents. They look so young!! 
And how stunning is my Mommacita?!

Another Model Photo - Do you think it even looks like me?

Our trip to Paris in 2000 - How super chic does Mommacita look in her scarf?!

I'm kind of in love with this pic of my parents too.

I went to a leadership camp after my sophomore year of high school and instantly became BFF's with these 2 guys! I texted Dan (left) last night with the picture and he replied, "We all look the same, except I was a skinny dork then." Ha! 

Under NO circumstance will I show you the pic of just him and I that I sent him after the group one below. Too mortifying! Let's just say, he and I agreed to agree that we're both better looking now!

Before "Taming of the Shrew" at my high school! Me and my buddy, Sonny.

Oh, poor kid. Glasses and braces at the pool!

Eek!! How precious are my baby cousins! Will (left) just started his Freshman year of college!
Man, I feel old.

Prior to a dance recital in 10th grade... or maybe 11th. It's always been one of my favorites!

I went to the Junior/Senior prom when I was in the 10th grade as a Sophomore representative. This beaming girl was so excited because the mom of a couple girls that I babysat gave me her Vera Wang dress to wear! So thoughtful - and I was on Cloud 9.

Look at those crazy kids heading to prom!

Group of Senior (Junior?) girls after a Christmas party!

Let us finish with another embarrassing photo - but kind of cute all the same. My childhood best friend, Erin, went to St. Thomas with us every year. Naturally, we had matching sweatshirts. After all, that's what best friends do!

Hope this gave you a giggle! I was thoroughly entertained as I discovered these last night! Happy Friday!
xoxo, E

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Let's Take a Tour

As promised, here is a quick tour of my abode! I was absolutely in love with my previous residence - a cozy one bedroom apartment exactly 7 minutes from work - but the price tag was a bit steep! So, last May I moved to a 2 bedroom further north towards Edmond.

It's probably the same square footage, but there's a second bedroom that serves as my office and storage room. It also has a nice closet that currently houses my winter clothes. The 3 closets in this apartment are definitely one of the biggest perks!

One thing I love about a new space is having the opportunity to re-decorate and switch a few things up! You can see a few pics of my old place - and my Christmas decor - here and here.

(yes, that's a Christmas tree - I love the warm light it gives to my living room)

One of my favorite things about my apartment is all of the color! And I especially love my "The South" plaque that hangs in my living room!

These Anthro curtains are my favorite! Marcus' mom gave me that entry table and I refinished it with metallic Martha Stewart paint!

Before and After

Did I mention that I love color? I infuse it in my apartment in as many ways as possible: throw pillows, wall decor, even the books on my bookshelves!

Here's the "office" corner of my second bedroom - I didn't think you needed to see the "storage" side! My desk is also a "thrift" find that I repurposed and added knobs from Anthropologie!

Moving on to my bedroom - don't you just love the lampshade that Mommacita and I made? Amazing what you can do with a glue gun and some fringe!

One of my favorite walls - beautiful painting that M brought back for me from Paris during his summer abroad, and the painting that Mommacita and Papas had done of my childhood pets after they passed!

Anthropologie and Madura were made for one another!

I'll definitely update with pics of fall and Christmas decor!
xoxo, E