Monday, February 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Mommacita!

Happy Birthday to the most loving, encouraging and giving Mommacita in the world. I am so blessed to have this woman as a role model and friend. Seriously, no kid could be luckier than to call her Momma :) And I get to!

We did an early celebration of her birthday in Dallas last weekend and participated in The Color Run - it was such an amazing weekend with my Momma, and I miss her more than words can possibly say.

Happy Birthday Mommacita!!

Live life glamorously,

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Stall

We've all heard "Pride cometh before the fall."

Well, I've realized that in my life, another version of that... "Pride cometh before the stall."

If you've already heard this story, I apologize.

When I was in college I had dreams and aspirations of planning New York Fashion Week and the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics...

(gymnastics, diving and swimming are the reason to watch the summer olympics - I'm even considering using paid time off from work this summer to watch them - I digress).

Also while in college, I was telling someone that I was getting my degree in Entertainment Business and my focus was Special Events.

The words that followed my (what might as well have been a memorized speech of how I explained my major and goals) answer defined the course of what has happened since...

"Oh, so you want to be a party planner?"

Wait for it... wait for it...

What happened in real life: Smile and change the subject.

What happened in my head: NO! I want to plan extraordinary events that people will talk about! Events that get media attention! Events that MATTER! Not some kid's 3rd birthday party!

Deep breath...

Anyway, after that encounter I decided that I didn't want to be a "party planner" and wanted to do something "more" with my life.

aka - the "stall" of what my God given talents and gifts could lead me into as a career in event planning.

Now, I shake my head at that immature and prideful "college Elizabeth."

Fast forward to "14 month (today actually!) post-college graduate Elizabeth" - I spend my free time drooling over all of the perfectly executed parties that I see on the blogs I subscribe to. No detail overlooked or forgotten.

Planning Doublemint's bridal shower has my event planner juices flowing again - Now, I'd love to plan a kid's birthday party - anyone want to volunteer their child's upcoming celebration to my cause?

Seriously, how cute are these parties: Dino-mite Birthday Party, Dr. Seuss Party and Golf Theme Party (just a few of my favorites!)

I'm off to Dallas this weekend, and I'm hopeful that Mommacita will help me shop for some serving plates for Doublemint's shower - ooooooh I just can't wait to show you all that I've got planned for this shower - but she reads the blog so it's got to stay a secret for now!

So, who knows... maybe I still have a future with New York Fashion Week - or even the Olympics - I wonder where they'll be in 2020. OMG, goal: be involved with the olympics in 2020 (what a cool year!! #dorkmoment)

I hope you have a great weekend! I seriously could not be more excited for this weekend with Mommacita. Missing her so much and this girl's weekend is going to be just the thing I need!

Live life glamorously,

p.s. Thank you BLC for the shout out today!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hugs and Kisses!

Happy Valentine's Day!! We are having a little exchange at work this afternoon - check out the super cute (if I do say so myself) valentines I made last night!

Beginning Stage -


I can't take all the credit though - I downloaded the printable from Pizzazzerie! Which, by the way, I am OBSESSED with their blog.

We celebrated Valentine's this weekend in Dallas - at Ruth's Chris - yummo! So tonight will be a low key night of Chick-fil-a and a movie. Can't wait to spend the evening with M!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Live life glamorously,

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I am so thankful that I am able to write this post today. I can proudly say that on this 9th day of February, in the year 2012, I have been cancer free for 2 years!!

Thank you Lord for your promise of healing!

Tonight as a little celebration, I will be getting a new haircut -- and a new hair color!! Eek!! I'm so nervous!!

What do you think of the style and color choices?! Carrie is the cut - the other two are color options!

Live life glamorously,

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Job

When I try to explain my job - an Account Planner at an advertising agency - I never seem to do it successfully.

So, I decided to try a different approach...

I get to be my crazy, silly self - and it's captured by an awesome photographer co-worker.

Here's my "serious" headshot for the agency website. Not nearly as "me" as the others.

I work with amazing women, who I not only enjoy spending time with at work, but who I also respect and value outside of the office.

And the part of my job, that sure is a lot of fun, and has been prevalent in the last week - going on, and participating in, shoots for clients.

Portraying a "bad influence, drug dealer" - I'm SO natural in this role...

Using my apartment for the "police breaking down the door and entering with guns" scene...

Attending the Zumba shoot (and possibly busting a move behind the scenes)...

This job allows me to have experiences I never would have had otherwise. What "perks" does your job have that weren't necessarily in the job description?

Live life glamorously,

Friday, February 3, 2012

518 Days

I have been dating my best friend for 518 days.

To clarify, I didn't count the days. Rather, I have a note saved on my phone that he typed 10 days after we started dating, and luckily my iPhone tells me how many days ago the note was created.

Marcus is the most caring man I know. He's so kind and is so intent on making me happy. And who can complain about that?!

This is just a quick little post to say how much I love my sweet boy - and how I am so grateful for his kindness, compassion and the love that he shows me every day. I am one blessed girl.

Live life glamorously,

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Fabulous February

Am I the only one that is shocked that it's already February?! Not to mention that it's been 65 degrees in OKC the past 3 days - global warming, anyone?

This February is going to be a great month, but I just know it's going to fly by! After this weekend, I've got BIG plans every weekend of the month!

To celebrate Valentine's Day a wee bit early, M and I are going to Dallas on the 11th to have some "us" time away from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives and the daily "need to do" lists. Our celebratory dinner will be at Ruth's Chris on Saturday night - I couldn't be more excited! Thank you Nanny for the generous gift card!

The next weekend, I will be heading back down to Dallas to meet Mommacita! We are going to celebrate her birthday with some girl time and do The Color Run. Seriously... how fun does this look?! I am pretty homesick right now, so this trip is much needed, and I'm counting down the days!!

The final weekend in February will be spent with M and our sweet friend Caitlin. She gifted us a photo session about this same time last year, and it's time to update our pics! I am so excited to spend some time with this sweet girl - and have some pictures I can finally give to Mommacita! (See Momma? I'm a good girl!)

Here are a few of the shots from last year...

Plans for Doublemint's bridal shower are well on their way! My sweet friend Kelly is going to start working on the invitations and other fun paper items this weekend - My excitement for this party is just growing!!

I have so much to be thankful for... but in those moments where it seems like life is just too hard and it's kicking my booty, I receive wonderful encouragement from my friends.

The other night, I was really frustrated in my quiet time with the Lord. I was crying out to him, and I felt utterly alone. The next morning I got a text from my doublemint that said: "As I was praying for you last night, I was just receiving Psalm 34: 4-8 for you. The Lord hears you and he is FOR you!" MAN! Can you ask for a more direct answer from God? We are so blessed to be loved by such a wonderfully powerful and loving God.

I hope you've all had a great week - kiss, hug and tell those you love that you love them. It's always so nice to hear!

Live life glamorously,