Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wonderful Christmas

My Christmas was absolutely wonderful with my parents - they loved all of the decorations in my apartment (yay!) and we had so much fun laughing and shopping while they were here! I am definitely a lucky girl!

Christmas morning, Mommacita and I made breakfast (Ham, Egg and Cheese Strata and Blueberry Bread Casserole - these two dishes have become our tradition in the last couple years) and they turned out so yummy!

After we finished eating, it was time to open stockings and presents!

My parents loved the gifts I got them - and I was OVER THE MOON with my gifts. I am truly so blessed!

Live Life Glamorously,

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Quick "Make You Think" Moment

Just dropping in for a quick "make you think" moment!

I am going to update the blog with Christmas Day Festivities and After Christmas Shopping Fun (either tonight or tomorrow), but in the meantime, enjoy this little nugget below... It's sticking with me this morning!

From Seth Godin's Blog:

I'm often stunned by the lack of questions that adults are prepared to ask.

When you see kids go on a field trip, the questions pour out of them. Never ending, interesting, deep... even risky.

And then the resistance kicks in and we apparently lose the ability.

Is the weather the only thing you can think to ask about? A great question is one you can ask yourself, one that disturbs your status quo and scares you a little bit.

The A part is easy. We're good at answers. Q, not so much.

Just something to think about!

Live life glamorously,

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Chickasha Christmas

Last night, Le Boy arranged a wonderful dinner and night out for us and the parentals. We had a tasty meal at Rococo's - so delish - and then we were off to Chickasha for the Festival of Light!

We took some time to snap a few pictures on the bridge covered with lights!

And naturally we had to take a picture under the Oklahoma with the heart!

It was great bumping into some friends, along the way, that I hadn't seen in a while!

(Insert what would have been a super cute picture of me and Charlay - if there hadn't been a long line of cars behind him)

Aren't we cute? :)

It's now Christmas Eve and all the shopping is done! The presents are wrapped and the stockings are hung! It's almost Christmas time...

Momma and I just finished putting together our ham, egg and cheese casserole for the morning, and we'll do the Blueberry Bread Pudding when we wake. Oh, it's my favorite!

Tonight we are going out to dinner with Le Boy's family - it should be a blast!

Merry Christmas Eve to you all!

Live life glamorously,

P.S. Check out my super cute Snowman nutcracker that Momma got for me today! Isn't it just the perfect centerpiece?!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Christmas Decor

Now that my parents are in OKC and have seen my apartment, I can finally share pictures of all my Christmas decor with you all!

My Bedroom...

My Bathroom...

My Living Room...

My kitchen...

I love this Santa mat!

All my Christmas cards!!

I love, love, love this most magically time of the year! I'll be so sad to take my decorations down, but for now, I'm relishing every minute of the warm golden glow!

Live life glamorously,

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas from ICG!

Merry Christmas!! Here is our Christmas video from work - with a special "giving back" portion. You can get involved (and read how to do so) by clicking here!

Live Life - and give back - Glamorously,

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

That moment when...

Ever had a day with such gut wrenching abdominal pain that you can barely walk?

Ever had a moment when a client walks in unexpectedly and wants to sit down and chat?

Have you ever had to excuse yourself because you're sweating, your head is spinning and you're afraid you might get sick right there while talking to them?

Oh, and then there's that moment when you're walking to the restroom and you black out, hit your head on the corner of a wall and come-to from the pain and the sound of the thud.

Yes, that happened... And at that moment in the day, your wonderfully concerned bosses and co-workers look at you and say "Go. Home."

It wasn't a normal manic Monday for me, but it was definitely a day. Feeling better this morning - just sore, a little bit embarrassed and ready for my parents to get here tomorrow!

Meeeeerrry Christmas - and a little shiner on the forehead too!

Live life glamorously,

Monday, December 19, 2011

6 More Sleeps

The countdown is on... 6 more sleeps until Christmas!! My parents will be here this week and I am over the moon about it! I absolutely love Christmastime and there are a few commercials that make it feel like Christmas!

What makes you feel like it's officially time for Christmas? My decorations are up, presents are wrapped and my family is coming - it couldn't be any better than this!

Live life glamorously,

Monday, December 12, 2011

A season of firsts...

For me, Christmas 2011 will always be labeled "a season of firsts."

It's the first time in 18 years that I will not have a Christmas break spanning from 2 - 4 weeks!

It's the first season where I've seen Trans-Siberian Orchestra in concert! Thank you KK and QN!

Also, it's the first year I will not be home for Christmas. Luckily, my parents are coming to my house for the holidays. I have worked so hard to make my apartment feel warm with the Christmas spirit - I cannot wait to show you all of the things I have done! I want it to be a surprise for my parents, so it will have to wait another week and a half!

Oh! A couple things I can share are pictures of the Christmas wreaths and garland that M and I did for our families this season.

Before we went home to Charlotte for Thanksgiving, M and I made wreaths for a few of my family members. We have so much fun doing these projects together.

When we got back to OKC, we went over to his parents' house to do the garland for their front door.

I'm so pleased with how all these projects turned out!

Currently, I am focusing on making 2012 the best year that it can be - what does that entail? Well... I'm setting realistic New Year's Resolutions. I can't remember the last time I set a NYR - but mostly that's because I say, "I want to lose weight. I want to work out more. Blah Blah Blah." No fun.

Instead, this year I'm going to set positive resolutions... I'll give you a sneak peek at the list in-progress... I want to run the OKC half marathon. I was supposed to run it 2 years ago, and got food poisoning two weeks beforehand. This year it WILL happen.

I also need to think of a new "project." For the past year, I have taken a picture everyday to commemorate my first year post-grad. Sunday will be day 365, so I'm in the brainstorming phase of coming up with something new.

Do you set resolutions? But more importantly, do you stick to them?

Live life glamorously,

Saturday, December 3, 2011


I've been cheating on my blog with a week at home with family and the first three seasons of Big Bang Theory.

A week in Charlotte was just what I needed. Time with my family and relaxing at home was wonderful!

I had a blast showing M around Charlotte and he ran his first Turkey Trot. Proud girlfriend party of 1!

Not to mention proud daughter! Momma not only looks like a legit runner, she has the time to prove it!

We had so much fun with our three Kenyans. Needless to say, they whooped our booties in the race.

M and I went to Target on Black Friday... I picked up the first 4 seasons of Big Bang Theory, and I am now obsessed. I'm already in season 3, and I just started last Sunday. I am somewhat ashamed, but it's so funny and I love to laugh, so it's okay.

Today is Bedlam - OU vs. OSU - and the last game of the season. I am so so so excited! It's my first time attending this rivalry game. However, I think we're going to need an ark to get to Stillwater. So. Much. Rain.

I am back to blogging and so happy to be back!

Live life glamorously,